Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The one who says—“Yes, Lord, but…” is the one who is fiercely ready, but never goes…When once the call of God comes, begin to go and never stop going. –Oswald Chambers

Jesus reminded me this week that He is my Master. My team watched “Ip Man” this last weekend. Probably all of you know that I am not a “fighting movie” person, so what’s crazy is that God used Ip Man's story to show me another aspect of Himself and my relationship with Him:
 Master Ip was a loving “shi-fu” (master) and his pupils loved and respected him. His relationships with his students completely transformed the meaning of master word for me. The Lord is my “shi-fu”: I obey Him with unquestioning actions, I watch Him constantly so I can someday be like Him, and I look to Him before anyone else for my commands. “And I know that His command is everlasting life…” (John 12:30) Its such security to know I just follow my Master daily, nothing else is expected of me- because it’s not me who does the work- it’s completely Him. I haven’t been alone or forgotten ONCE since being on this island, Jesus has always been with me.
He’s so good to me. J
I am here for God to send me where He will. Ever other thing may get fogged, but this relationship to Jesus Christ may never be... He does not build on any natural capacity [in me] at all. God does not ask us to do the things that are easy to us naturally; He only asks us to do the things we are perfectly fitted to do by His grace, and the cross will come along that line always. –Oswald Chambers

On top of the Jingmen mountain looking over Shan-Wai

Monday, September 19, 2011

What is a burden?

The other day I asked God to give me His eyes to see the people around me in Kinmen, and He swiftly answered:
My heart broke.

I guess because this is such a modernized, generally wealthy island, I previously wrote off many of the beliefs and customs practiced as “cultural.” There are temples all over the place here in Kinmen,
“no big deal,” right?

The truth is the Enemy has such an invisible, almost subtle hold on the lives of the people. Concealed under all their wealth, lifestyle, and hospitality, they live in fear of the darkness. Satanic worship becomes a security for a people so lost and insecure.

Did you know 2 years ago the Taiwanese gov't spent $10 million NT to pay Buddhist monks to worship for seven days straight to appease the gods!? The amount of paper money burned as offerings got environmentalists upset, yet the government still portions out $1 million NT a year to pay these monks to worship on behalf of Taiwan. A couple days ago, I walked by a home where a woman was showing her 8-yr old son how to burn the paper money to the gods/ancestors correctly. It's so demonic. Such a lie… and a GOOD lie at that. Because these precious people won’t find out the truth until it’s way too late.
Kinmen Sunset
Recently, our team attended a meeting with our local pastor and his wife about their vision for the church, and the best witnessing strategy for us to use here in Kinmen. To give us background on the spiritual situation here, our pastor’s wife, Joy, shared her testimony with the team:
Joy grew up a member of the Haka tribe. That meant that her family was one of the most devoutly religious people here on the island. Growing up, she said she took pride in helping out with the incense offerings to the gods- but was always scared of any darkness, even shadows on the side of houses. The belief here is that when a relative dies, he becomes a god that has the power to either bless or curse the family. Real doubts in the validity of the gods started to form when the uncle that lived with her family committed suicide. She was scared and angry at the fact that she now had to worship a god who died in such a horrific way. Through a friend in college, she later attended church and heard about Jesus. She said when she heard the worship music for the first time, she cried and cried- and couldn’t figure out why. She decided to never go back to that church because she was so embarrassed for weeping in front of all those people.
Yet that church started reaching out to her in very bold ways. The youth pastor actually started holding a college Bible study group in her own house! Because she had to be hospitable to these “guests,” she inevitably sat through many Bible studies and started to learn more about Jesus. Finally, she “surrendered to the Lord” one night when she had a severe cold. She couldn’t breathe because of the mucus in her lungs, so all she said was, “Jesus, I want to breathe.” Immediately, she could breathe and was completely well- but another weight lifted off her chest. She was now free from that fear that had so controlled her life. Soon after that night, Joy decided to be baptized (to the surprise and distain of her family) and immediately destroyed the Jade necklace she always wore around her neck to curse bad spirits.
Joy was the only one of her siblings by her mother’s side when she died, everyone else was too afraid of being near any kind of death. Praise the Lord: Joy was able to lead her mom to the Lord before she passed away.

Moon Festival at the beach
Please pray for the salvation of the Taiwanese. The Lord has to break through countless lies to plant His love, peace, and security in these people’s hearts.
Please pray that I have opportunity to share God’s goodness and His love while I have the privilege of being here. I want to be a tool useful for the Master’s hand- not only to add joy to the lives of my students, but to direct them towards Christ’s love so they can taste it for themselves.
All of these children, teachers, taxi drivers, waitresses, construction workers, fry cooks, Buddhist monks, university students, bartenders, and so many others are going to Hell without belief in the finished work of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Please don’t forget Taiwan in your prayers. Share in Jesus’ burden for the lost.
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)
My precious students at Duo Nian Elementary

Friday, September 9, 2011

To live is CHRIST

This has been a beautiful week. I now feel like I’m actually a part of Jingmen, Taiwan. Teaching was (is) great and I know this is going to be such a fun year. Every single school has at least one precious student to whom I know God has sent me to share His love. It’s quite amazing actually- every new school I went to this week made me think “I’m here for these children,” but then the very next day I’d think, “No, I’m definitely here for these children.” Each new school, grade, class, and child needs a different form of love and I’m excited to be that channel.
Starting with Kai Xuan: My Monday school was definitely one of my favorites- the children are excellent at English and have such zest for life, it’s hilarious. They all have such unique personalities and are allowed to express them freely in class. A couple of the kids make me think of my friends back home because they’re such characters (yes, these kids are in 3rd-6th grade. Lol, that says something about my friends…J). Starting next week, I’m going to be teaching two 1st and two 2nd grade English classes a week there (Monday & Friday afternoons)….score! Ahh first and second-graders are so cute! I’m very excited!
Duo Nian: The children here are all gifts and treasures and my coworkers/principal is amazing. This school totally welcomed me with open arms and put me in a place of high honor. By lunch-time I was feeling really special, loved, and appreciated. Tuesday was my first day of feeling like an official “lao-shéh” (teacher). I could tell in the first 10 minutes that these children need love- it’s almost like you could see in their eyes that they don’t know the feeling- I’m excited to break through to them. My teacher also gave me my first “Buddha’s Head” fruit…new favorite? I think so.
Amazing 6th graders from Zhong Zheng
Zhong Zheng: Biggest school on my schedule. My Wednesdays consist of four consecutive 6th grade classes with about 30-34 students apiece. Because of the size of each class, strict discipline is necessary- and both of my teachers kept the classes going at a fairly rapid pace. I have a feeling my love is going to be poured out into the “special” and forgotten kids in these classrooms. Again, because of the size, a few students can get left behind, and I know I’m on that campus every Wednesday to show them they’re loved. J
Bo Cun: I met my first believer in the school system here! During my de-briefing, one of my teachers took me aside and asked me if I was a believer…when I answered “Yes,” she was extremely excited and wanted me to teach a song to the children so they can “learn a little bit about American religions.” Lol, that extremely fun: “Jesus Loves Me” in the public school system- that’s definitely not something you’d see in the States. The students here were so precious and accommodating, and at lunch the other teachers jumped all over the fact the Florida has alligators! It was funny to me that something I almost shrug off as common is such a crazy concept for the people here in Jingmen.
Zheng Yi: Ah, I love this school. The kids are so funny- for the first time this week, 6th grade was way more outgoing than 3rd. There are only three students in my 4th grade class and I love it. The other classes have about 12-15 students and oh, those are so fun too. My teacher’s the sweetest ever and I got to talk to my driver for the first time all week- he went to school in CA so his English was excellent! He’s now on my heart pretty heavily since so please be praying I’ll get the opportunity to share my faith with him and be an overall light of the love of Jesus.
{Switching gears….}
Midweek, I was having a tough time understanding the purpose of the Lord’s recent testing of my heart and life. In several areas, I’ve been confused as to why God’s allowed different things- and what my goal and purpose is for “now”? Ultimately, I know God’s plan for me is perfect and excellent and every bit of it is amazing but I felt like I was missing the reason for the “valleys” I find myself in quite regularly. So I guess on Wednesday I was seriously asking God what my “orders” were. How was I supposed to obey Him practically with the things He reveals in the “secret place” of my heart? Early that morning, as I was praying rather adamantly, the verse “To live is Christ” filled my thoughts. It was such a “duh!” moment for me. Well obviously! My life is to be wrapped up in Him, and everything He is, forever and always. All those nit-picky issues in my heart really don’t matter underneath the head statement: “To live is Christ.” When I focus all of my energy and attention into seeking Christ and His heart, I am confident that He is faithful to take care of everything else without my help. Haha I seem to be constantly learning the lesson- “Christina, you are NOT God.” I want to fix myself, when in fact, I can’t…no matter how hard I try. But if my life is wrapped up in Christ, He is faithful to complete what He (singlehandedly) started in me. And I just get to watch.
“For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, 20 according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. 25 And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, 26 that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again. (Philippians 1:19-26)

I just happen to live here.... ;)