Saturday, October 27, 2012


Gossip. We all do it. We all hate it. Yet, somehow, we all like it (just admit it).

But doesn't it just burn when it's YOU the one everyone else is talking about?

Today, I found out about a situation in which people who didn't even know my full name, or what state I'm from in America were talking down on me. These people were so far removed from my circles that I felt almost famous... "I have haters on the other side of the world. Whoohoo! {lol}"

Yes, I found it almost hilarious. Here were people who've never met me, gossiping about my personal life behind my back. Its kind of pathetic and amusing in a sad way.

Hey, but it still hurt. It was not fun to hear. I was bumming out for a little while. 

Yet, as you may know, the Holy Spirit doesn't ever just let us hear about things like this without using it to work on our hearts a little bit. After the initial shock of the situation hit,  His still, small, voice in my heart started to say, "Hey... So Christina, you know THAT thing you said about THAT person? Or what about THAT opinion? Or THIS comment?" 


Double ouch. 

I'm 100% guilty of the same things that I was so annoyed at these people for.

So, as a reminder to all of us:

1. Watch what you say...

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)

2. Remember, God is the only true Judge. 

"Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand." (Romans 14:4)

3. Instead, dwell on things worthy of praise.

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." (Philippians 4:8)

We were not called in Christ to demand perfection from each other...but to LOVE. "Love is the bond of perfection." (Colossians 3:14) 

Let's not get so consumed with the FAULTS in each other that we can't even see the GOOD anymore.

 And if you have a tough time with loving someone as Christ loves you, remember: God loves US with all our scumbag tenancies and self-centered hypocrisy. He loved us as we rotted in our sin. (Romans 5:8) The only reason we can love, is because He loves us FIRST. (1 John 1:9) If you have a hard time loving, remember that it's not about you, it's about Him. Try to think about what you would be without Christ, praise God that you are NOT that person any longer, and then look at your "offender" with the same eyes of mercy and grace that God showed you as you were neck-deep in your trespasses. 

Purpose to LOVE.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Two Thoughts

This past weekend the Lord and I had some very special times. It's truly been a while since I've just been able to just sit before Him and soak in what He's saying, without a million things vying for my attention. 

Anyways, He showed me two concepts that completely astound me:

1. Jesus only asks us to pray for, think about, and take Step 2. Steps 3, 4,5, 78, or 983 are totally irrelevant at the moment. Some of you are probably laughing at me as you read this, but seriously, this is a big deal for me. My personality likes to have everything organized from Step 1-100. Yet the Holy Spirit only asks me about what's in front of me. Quite the load off, right?

2. Jesus intimately knows every corner of me. I don't ever need to "explain myself" or make myself "more clear" when communicating with my God. I can be 100% real with Him. I don't have to hide anything and "break things" to Him in a gentler way. I can't disappoint Him. He is sovereign- knows ALL, sees ALL, and understands ALL. So when I can't even put into words the question I have, or the issue I'm facing...psshh, Jesus already knows exactly what the problem is and the solution for it. He knows my end from my beginning. There is not and cannot be any other relationship in the world as intimate and real as the we can share with God. 

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Scene One, Take Two

One of the many "reasons" I love 2nd

Well this is the beginning of my second year in Taiwan. It’s an amazing feeling to be in Kinmen again with the ministry team here. Feels like I’m home. And I love it.

This year, the King Car Kinmen team consists of four lovely girls and myself. Each one of them loves the Lord with all their heart and desires to serve the people here in Kinmen. It’s seriously the BIGGEST blessing to work alongside each one of them and watch the work of the Holy Spirit. The variation of gifts, talents, and individual visions makes serving together all the more awesome. God has blessed me yet again with an excellent team.

"Every Move I Make" at village outreach.
Since landing in Kinmen, I’ve been able to jump right in with my work and everyday life here, culture shock was so last year. This year, I teach four 1st grade classes, three 2nd grade, three 3rd grade, three 4th grade, three 5th grade, and seven 6th grade classes a week. Haha, it’s my dream schedule- a healthy balance of the oldest and the youngest students (my personal favorite) - with the perfect amount of “middle grades.” With the exception of one class, I teach all my 1st and 2nd grade classes alone, which makes for an added challenge. My favorite. It’s been awesome thus far; and I completely adore “my babies.”

In addition to teaching English, this year I’m planning on teaching ballet! Lord willing, I will be holding class every Saturday for an hour in the morning. Right now there’s a good mix of university students, high school students, teachers, and fellow missionaries planning on taking the class. The main reason I want to start this class is so we can have a “girls-only” time of fun and discipleship. I’m not quite sure how to keep the name of Jesus at the center in the class itself, but my plans for now are to open and close the class with prayer, and hold a short Bible study at the end for those interested. This is a really big opportunity to reach girls’ hearts for Christ. Keep this ministry in your prayers.

So that’s the update on what’s been goin’ down here in Kinmen!

Some things you can be praying for:
One of our Facebook ballet class advertisements. 
  1. My team: Bethany, Eunice, Cami, Caris, and myself. We live in the middle of a deeply traditional Buddhist community and the Enemy doesn’t want us here. As we’ve learned several times, he will do anything to keep us out of the battle and caught up in the confusion of our hearts, slowed down by sickness, or frustrated with the seeming slow progress to reach our neighbors for Christ.
  2. My students. Dude, I see these kids sometimes more than their parents even see them. I’d say there’s opportunity here. Pray that I reach them ultimately for Christ.
  3. The ballet class. The process to get a facility that we’d be able to use weekly has been quite the hassle. I’ve been emailing back and forth with the school that I was interested in using, but they’re changing their policies all the time so actually starting the class has been at a standstill.
  4. The Swing Dance Fundraiser. We’re thinking of doing another one this semester! This time, the money is to be sent to Naomi Hamilton’s ministry in the Philippines: Safe Refuge ( Yet, the same problems are meeting us as we plan. The director of the facility we’re planning on using has changed the dates of availability several times; so now we’re considering the possibility of waiting till next semester. Please be praying that the Lord’s will be done- this is an event we all want to do, but we want to be flexible in what the Lord wants us to focus on in the coming months.
  5. Chinese fluency. You know what’s amazing? My time in America somehow improved my Chinese and I’m having a much easier time communicating now than I was even at the end of last year. Oh, but please don’t stop praying for this! I’m still hoping to work hard and learn much more this year. I would love to have the opportunity to share Christ with someone (totally in Chinese) before I leave Taiwan.

This year, my personal prayer also is that God will shape His character in me. Through different challenges I was met with this last summer, I realized that humility and the fear of the Lord are sorely lacking in my inmost heart. I so much want to learn what it means to actually WALK BY FAITH. I want to know how the great heroes and heroines of faith were able to patiently endure suffering for the name of Christ. I want to truly LOVE people as Christ does.

My prayer is to look back on this year and know I will never be the same, because God lovingly took Christina out and filled my spirit with Himself. I don’t want to ever be the same.

1st graders!