Monday, November 19, 2012

October/November Ministry Update

Prayer in ballet class

I finally have the chance to write this update! Haha it’s the end of November….oops! Sorry about that.  I’m sitting in the back of my 6th grade class waiting to teach and typing up a storm. Here goes:

First of all, the ballet classes have been so much fun! We have a pretty solid mix of university students, high schoolers, and teachers that come when they have time. It feels like I’m right back “where I belong” in the ballet studio. The policy is that we always open and close my classes with a word of prayer- just to remind us who the Author of all dance is.

Sharing my testimony and why I love to dance with my
Also, my friend Megan and I will be putting together a ballet piece for the church’s Christmas Eve service. This year, the service will be held in JingChung’s cultural center. It’s a pretty big place- so our rehearsals will be a little different this year. That’s another thing you can be praying for- it’s going to be a whole new challenge choreographing for and dancing on the huge stage.

Guess what!? We get to do another Swing Dance! This Saturday, November 24th, we are having our big Fall Swing Dance Fundraiser. This time, the proceeds will go to support my friend Naomi Hamilton’s organization, Safe Refuge International. Her ministry is based out of the Philippines- right outside of Manila. Right in line with our purpose for having the Swing Dances, she works with women who have been trapped in the human trafficking system, yet providing maternity help in addition. Her ministry works in all levels of the issue- helping young girls, new mothers, and mothers with young children. We’re really excited to support her ministry this time around. Lord willing, there should be a pretty solid group from the community at this Swing Dance- please pray that God will use this event to touch the hearts of the community and be a gift of love for Safe Refuge.

Speaking of events, we’re also planning a pretty big Christmas event with the university students. Just like last year we want to involve all the English clubs and the International Cultures club in the execution of the event- we just need to get them started and give them a bit of direction along the way. I’m also inviting the Shamei (a small town close to the university) pastor to come out and share the Christmas story and the message of why Christ came. Please be praying for this event, because, just like last year, we plan on having a ton of fun; but also like last year, our prayer is that the Gospel is proclaimed throughout this event.
3rd grade Trick-or-Treaters

On another note, at the beginning of this month, I got to take a weekend out to see the Kirov Ballet company perform Swan Lake! For those of you that don’t know, the Kirov Ballet company is known as the absolute best in the world…so obviously I was on “cloud 9” as I saw them dance, in Taipei, with a live orchestra, and excellent seats. I went with two dear friends, got to dress up, and seriously had the best evening ever. Sometimes I just have too much fun. ;)

My team and I have been really challenged by the Lord to stick to the Gospel this last month. As you can see in my recent posts, the Lord’s been really challenging me to focus on Him, and Him alone. I’ve been noticing how the things that should have been peripheral elements in my walk with the Lord have been central to my relationship with Him. In the Christian life, it should never be: JESUS + _______= SALVATION, JESUS + _______= SANCTIFICATION, or JESUS + ________= FREEDOM. That’s not Biblical or edifying. There is a freedom for those who sit at the feet of Jesus and rest in only following Jesus. Everything else in life- character, freedom, and true success- will fall into place for the man or woman following Jesus wholeheartedly. This has been something that’s been burning on my heart for the last month. The world doesn’t need more self-help. It needs Jesus. I want my life mission to be just that, proclaiming and living in the light of Jesus.

My lovely team


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