Sunday, November 13, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

These are some of the best things in my life right now:
  1. I love my Jesus. His love and companionship has grown sweeter every day and I'm so thankful for the privilege I have to get to know the Creator of the Universe in such an intimate way. The little blessings the Holy Spirit allows me to see in my life makes me feel loved all the way to my toes. I'm learning so much about how to walk day by day in His presence, and listen to His voice always.
  2. I love laughter. I get a good dose of it everyday between my hilarious teammates and antics of my students. A few mornings ago, my teammate Johnny came army crawling into our living room shooting everyone with a water gun. Sound effects and all. Haha I am so blessed in this department.
  3. I love learning. My word! I literally learn at least 15-20 new things a day. Whether it'd be Chinese vocabulary, cultural structures, or better teaching style- there's not a day that goes by without me learning more than enough to satisfy this mind.
  4. I love my friends. Friends back in the States who still make an effort to keep up with me and keep me up to date on news from home, and new friends here who always manage to make my life vibrant. You guys keep me alive and sane.
  5. I love my family. Even when I don't get the chance to talk to them for a week or so at a time, I always feel "in the middle of things" when we Skype. I love my parents' relationship- how they're such a stellar example of sacrifice and living by faith. I love how my siblings are my bestest of best friends and that everything reminds me of them. Kaylee's random sense of humor and drive to serve Jesus. Richie's essence of awesomeness. Kiara's delight in life itself. Corinna's consistent emails about everything on her mind. Ryan's laugh and smile and hair and adorableness. Carissa's need to dominate every conversation I've had with her. Gahh I love these people.
  6. I love thoughtfulness. The culture here always tries to look out for the interest of the other person. People will randomly buy me drinks, make every effort to make me comfortable, and welcome me into their life. For example, I came back from teaching and have a Ferrero Rocher sitting on my desk. I think Americans should take a hint or two...or three.
  7. I love riding my bike downhill. Random, I know, but I really do love that feeling. 
  8. I love the food here. And the fact that I have this "chopstick thing" down. 
  9. I love the fruit and vegetable stands here. So cheap and fresh from the orchard/garden. Puts Publix to shame.
  10. Bubble Milk Tea. Passionfruit Green Tea. Need I say more?
  11. I love how it's early(ish) November and I get to dress warm. Unlike Florida....all my life.
  12. I love adventure. Ok, so last Saturday, Peter, Johnny, and I biked around the entire island of Jingmen. 35.6 miles of sheer awesomeness. Including dinner afterwards and all the pit stops along the way, it took us about 8 hours. We discovered new beaches, awesome playgrounds, and tons of different military towers. So much fun. Those guys are awesome.
  13. I love plans to look forward to. This Friday, we're thinking of heading to Yuli for the weekend. Next week's Thanksgiving. Then we have the IBLP Christmas retreat, my birthday (of course), the King Car Winter Reunion, Christmas, New Year's tour around Taiwan with one of my favorite 6th grade classes, Thailand for 3 weeks {!!!}, and the list could go on and on. On top of all those BIG plans, there are a million and one fun things going on every day/week. Never a dull moment. :) 
  14. I love responsibility. I love being on my own- fending for myself day by day and making my own decisions. It's just me and Jesus "knockin' about in the wild" and I truly enjoy it. Mostly. ;)
  15. Lastly, I love memories. I love looking back on my life and seeing the fingerprints of God and His grace. I love laughing about the things "my family always does" or "my friends always say." That constantly is making me smile and I <3 it.
God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good. I'm going to try to make a list like this weekly...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Less Than Nothing

It's funny what happens when my pride is put aside. I see myself for the filth I am when all my disobedience and iniquity is completely bare before the Lord. I see the truth. Without Christ, I am truly less than nothing.

I hope and pray this doesn't come across as a depressing post- I definitely don't mean it to be. I'm just getting another glimps of who I am in light and comparison to our Heavenly Father:
The Thanksgiving decor I put together for our living room

"I will betroth you to Me forever; yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in lovingkindness and mercy; I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord." (Hosea 2:19-20)

Guys, this is after Israel had wandered away from the Lord. After this nation had committed harlotry with other nations. After the people had forsaken God- the same God who had been unwaveringly faithful to His people. This is craziness. Our God is so faithful. He's always true to His promises. He never has and never will let us down. All He asks of His children is that we walk according to His ways. That we wholeheartedly obey Him from a willing heart in everything set before us.

Last night, I had a pretty intense and in-depth conversation with some of my teammates about discerning the Lord's will in the area of relationships. I left that conversation very frustrated and confused and went to bed annoyed. I agreed with everything that was said, but I couldn't reconcile it with the choices I've made in the past that were "inside the Lord's will." Frankly, I wasn't sure if God suddenly had a double standard, so I was determined to figure it out.

Within two seconds of asking the Lord what was up, I was reminded pretty strongly of my PRIDE. The reason I didn't understand and couldn't recognize the Lord's hand in some parts of the past is because it wasn't there. Don't misunderstand me-He was there- I just wasn't willing to take that hand and follow it. I was so set on having my way, that, even though I begged the Lord to take certain things away and "make all things new," I was still gripping the things I didn't want Him to touch.

Ajung: My little 3yr old tutoree. :)
C'est ma vie. Basically, I'm realizing all over again how much I need Jesus and how short I fall from His standard. Even sometimes when my heart wants so much to be inside the will of the Lord, I still force my own way. Don't ask me why. I don't know why either. But I'm learning the voice of the Lord- I pray someday I will learn to listen and obey. That would be such an awesome thing to not have to look back with even the slightest twinge of regret.

Jesus makes all things beautiful in HIS timing, and works "all things together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). I choose to rest on that today.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I live in a dream

This week marks the longest I've ever lived away from my family at one time. It's a super cool thing to look back over these last two months in awe that I've been here for that length of time. It totally doesn't feel like any time has passed. I feel like I've only been here a few days- a week or two tops....but over nine weeks!?

What's more is I almost feel rushed for time; I found myself thinking the other day, "Oh my word! I only have 8 more months left in this contract! That's totally not enough time..."

How weird. Yet, how beautiful. :) God is awesome.

Maybe it's because time doesn't pass quite in the same way here in Jingmen as it does for me back in the States. It stands still, but then all of a sudden flies by leaving me wondering if I'm really living in a dream after all. Lately, my mind has been completely overwhelmed after skyping my family and friends back in the States because I suddenly realize that the kids are growing up, miterm exams are passing, and everyone's preparing for the Holiday Season. All while I continue to live in this "dream world."

In light of all that, my team discussed a few days ago about using time for the glory of God and not losing focus of the bigger picture of why we're here. There are so many little things that can suck away my valuable time and leave me frustrated and disillusioned in daily life. We all decided at the beginning of the year that the ultimate goal for the Kinmen team is: "To live together for the glory of God." Super simple words. Super challenging application.

I have so many goals that have been shuffled around and reset in the last couple weeks- goals for my walk with the Lord, goals in my attempt at learning Chinese, and goals for progress in the relationships and conversations with those God puts in my path. I don't want to miss out on what God has for me because of my laziness or selfishness. I want to live to the hilt of every moment I'm given.

Please pray for our team. Pray for the opportunities we have to share TRUTH: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the hearts of the students, university students, and other teachers. Pray for the events being planned for the upcoming Christmas season. Pray that hearts will be softened to the still, small voice of Jesus Christ. Pray that we will learn Chinese.

Pray that Kinmen will see Jesus. <3

The majority of the Americans on the island
{ two Taiwanese}. :)