I started writing a status on Facebook probably four or five times already trying to concisely sum up this weekend and I can't do it. I'm gonna try here on Blogger:
I made 200+ hand turkeys.
Taught 15 Thanksgiving lessons to grades 1st-6th.
Slept minimal hours.
Ate a HUGE Thanksgiving meal with people I absolutely love.
Almost died from laughing too hard multiple times.
Suffered from minor Narcolepsy.
Wrote and rewrote logistics for the Swing Dance Fundraiser.
Prayed hard for the blessing of the Lord for all our efforts.
Slept minimal hours.
Had several meetings with people I absolutely love, about an issue dearest to my heart.
Almost died from laughing too hard multiple times.
Suffered from minor Narcolepsy.
CRIED out for the Holy Spirit to take hold of my rock-solid, rotten heart and make it more into the image of Jesus Christ.
Sat back in complete SHOCK when I found out we raised the equivalent of $3,865 USD at this Swing Dance.
Gave out more HUGS than I can count.
Sat back several times and just SMILED at how full my life is right now.
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
October/November Ministry Update
Prayer in ballet class |
I finally have the chance to write this update! Haha it’s
the end of November….oops! Sorry about that.
I’m sitting in the back of my 6th grade class waiting to
teach and typing up a storm. Here goes:
First of all, the ballet classes have been so much fun! We
have a pretty solid mix of university students, high schoolers, and teachers
that come when they have time. It feels like I’m right back “where I belong” in
the ballet studio. The policy is that we always open and close my classes with
a word of prayer- just to remind us who the Author of all dance is.
Sharing my testimony and why I love to dance with my students. |
Also, my friend Megan and I will be putting together a ballet
piece for the church’s Christmas Eve service. This year, the service will be
held in JingChung’s cultural center. It’s a pretty big place- so our rehearsals
will be a little different this year. That’s another thing you can be praying
for- it’s going to be a whole new challenge choreographing for and dancing on
the huge stage.
Guess what!? We get to do another Swing Dance! This
Saturday, November 24th, we are having our big Fall Swing Dance Fundraiser.
This time, the proceeds will go to support my friend Naomi Hamilton’s
organization, Safe Refuge International. Her ministry is based out of the
Philippines- right outside of Manila. Right in line with our purpose for having
the Swing Dances, she works with women who have been trapped in the human
trafficking system, yet providing maternity help in addition. Her ministry
works in all levels of the issue- helping young girls, new mothers, and mothers
with young children. We’re really excited to support her ministry this time
around. Lord willing, there should be a pretty solid group from the community
at this Swing Dance- please pray that God will use this event to touch the
hearts of the community and be a gift of love
for Safe Refuge.
Speaking of events, we’re also planning a pretty big
Christmas event with the university students. Just like last year we want to
involve all the English clubs and the International Cultures club in the
execution of the event- we just need to get them started and give them a bit of
direction along the way. I’m also inviting the Shamei (a small town close to
the university) pastor to come out and share the Christmas story and the
message of why Christ came. Please be praying for this event, because, just
like last year, we plan on having a ton of fun; but also like last year, our prayer
is that the Gospel is proclaimed throughout this event.
3rd grade Trick-or-Treaters |
On another note, at the beginning of this month, I got to
take a weekend out to see the Kirov Ballet company perform Swan Lake! For those
of you that don’t know, the Kirov Ballet company is known as the absolute best
in the world…so obviously I was on “cloud 9” as I saw them dance, in Taipei,
with a live orchestra, and excellent seats. I went with two dear friends, got
to dress up, and seriously had the best evening ever. Sometimes I just have too
much fun. ;)
My team and I have been really challenged by the Lord to stick to the Gospel this last month. As you can see in my recent posts, the Lord’s been really challenging me to focus on Him, and Him alone. I’ve been noticing how the things that should have been peripheral elements in my walk with the Lord have been central to my relationship with Him. In the Christian life, it should never be: JESUS + _______= SALVATION, JESUS + _______= SANCTIFICATION, or JESUS + ________= FREEDOM. That’s not Biblical or edifying. There is a freedom for those who sit at the feet of Jesus and rest in only following Jesus. Everything else in life- character, freedom, and true success- will fall into place for the man or woman following Jesus wholeheartedly. This has been something that’s been burning on my heart for the last month. The world doesn’t need more self-help. It needs Jesus. I want my life mission to be just that, proclaiming and living in the light of Jesus.
My team and I have been really challenged by the Lord to stick to the Gospel this last month. As you can see in my recent posts, the Lord’s been really challenging me to focus on Him, and Him alone. I’ve been noticing how the things that should have been peripheral elements in my walk with the Lord have been central to my relationship with Him. In the Christian life, it should never be: JESUS + _______= SALVATION, JESUS + _______= SANCTIFICATION, or JESUS + ________= FREEDOM. That’s not Biblical or edifying. There is a freedom for those who sit at the feet of Jesus and rest in only following Jesus. Everything else in life- character, freedom, and true success- will fall into place for the man or woman following Jesus wholeheartedly. This has been something that’s been burning on my heart for the last month. The world doesn’t need more self-help. It needs Jesus. I want my life mission to be just that, proclaiming and living in the light of Jesus.
My lovely team |
"Let Us Keep to the Point"
"God does forgive, but it cost the rending of His heart in the Death of Christ to enable Him to do so. The great miracle of the grace of God is that He forgives sin, and it is the death of Jesus Christ alone that enables the Divine nature to forgive and to remain true to itself in doing so. It is shallow nonsense to say that God forgives us because He is love. When we have been convicted of sin we will never say this again. The love of God means Calvary, and nothing less; the love of God is spelt on the Cross and nowhere else. The only ground on which God can forgive me is through the Cross of my Lord. There, His conscience is satisfied."
("My Utmost for His Highest", Oswald Chambers; 11/19)
"Christianity is not discipline, though discipline will enter into it. Christianity is not morality, but the moral laws will be followed. Christianity is not following a great example, but this will be done. Christianity is not living by laws or rules, it is living by grace. True Christianity starts with a new birth. "Ye must be born again" (John 3:7) The new birth is God coming into your life and giving you a new nature- a nature of love to God and man. Nothing in life can make up for the lack of this, nothing can take it's place."
("The Disciplines of the Christian Life", Eric Liddell)
Friday, November 16, 2012
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from GLORY to GLORY, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Dude, "GLORY to GLORY"!?
That's amazing if you let it sink in- in Christ, each one of us is a picture of His GLORY. We get to project Christ crucified to the world through our lives.
Seriously, sit back and let it sink in that He chose you today to magnify His name and proclaim His glory in this world! He chose me! He chose us- broken, cracked, beaten-up vessels- to SHINE His marvelous Self to the world.
"...children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world..." (Philippians 2:15)
And the best part is that He hand-picked us to represent His glorious name while we sat in the mud of our sin; while we shook our pathetic little fists at His face in rebellion and hatred; while we purposefully ran down our own little path of self-destruction.
"... just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love..." (Ephesians 1:4)
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
So that GLORY #1 just amazes me beyond all else...until you get to #2:
Okay so, beyond that, there's one day in which we'll be transformed from these temporary "tents" into the perfect, glorious image of Himself. We'll be perfect images of His grace. Unlike in GLORY #1, we'll just reflect JESUS. Our whole being will be wrapped up in who He is and His immense, overpowering love for us. I have no idea how to concisely expound on that.
"For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." (1 Corinthians 13:12)
That's just crazy. I certainly don't deserve that. Yet, He offers it. He offers it to all of us daily.
The point of surrender where everything changes.
"The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!'" (Revelation 4:8)
[I know I'm far overdue for a ministry update. I'm working on it right now. Promise.]
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Gossip. We all do it. We all hate it. Yet, somehow, we all like it (just admit it).
But doesn't it just burn when it's YOU the one everyone else is talking about?
Today, I found out about a situation in which people who didn't even know my full name, or what state I'm from in America were talking down on me. These people were so far removed from my circles that I felt almost famous... "I have haters on the other side of the world. Whoohoo! {lol}"
Yes, I found it almost hilarious. Here were people who've never met me, gossiping about my personal life behind my back. Its kind of pathetic and amusing in a sad way.
Hey, but it still hurt. It was not fun to hear. I was bumming out for a little while.
Yet, as you may know, the Holy Spirit doesn't ever just let us hear about things like this without using it to work on our hearts a little bit. After the initial shock of the situation hit, His still, small, voice in my heart started to say, "Hey... So Christina, you know THAT thing you said about THAT person? Or what about THAT opinion? Or THIS comment?"
Double ouch.
I'm 100% guilty of the same things that I was so annoyed at these people for.
So, as a reminder to all of us:
1. Watch what you say...
"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)
2. Remember, God is the only true Judge.
"Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand." (Romans 14:4)
3. Instead, dwell on things worthy of praise.
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." (Philippians 4:8)
We were not called in Christ to demand perfection from each other...but to LOVE. "Love is the bond of perfection." (Colossians 3:14)
Let's not get so consumed with the FAULTS in each other that we can't even see the GOOD anymore.
And if you have a tough time with loving someone as Christ loves you, remember: God loves US with all our scumbag tenancies and self-centered hypocrisy. He loved us as we rotted in our sin. (Romans 5:8) The only reason we can love, is because He loves us FIRST. (1 John 1:9) If you have a hard time loving, remember that it's not about you, it's about Him. Try to think about what you would be without Christ, praise God that you are NOT that person any longer, and then look at your "offender" with the same eyes of mercy and grace that God showed you as you were neck-deep in your trespasses.
Purpose to LOVE.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Two Thoughts
This past weekend the Lord and I had some very special times. It's truly been a while since I've just been able to just sit before Him and soak in what He's saying, without a million things vying for my attention.
Anyways, He showed me two concepts that completely astound me:
1. Jesus only asks us to pray for, think about, and take Step 2. Steps 3, 4,5, 78, or 983 are totally irrelevant at the moment. Some of you are probably laughing at me as you read this, but seriously, this is a big deal for me. My personality likes to have everything organized from Step 1-100. Yet the Holy Spirit only asks me about what's in front of me. Quite the load off, right?
2. Jesus intimately knows every corner of me. I don't ever need to "explain myself" or make myself "more clear" when communicating with my God. I can be 100% real with Him. I don't have to hide anything and "break things" to Him in a gentler way. I can't disappoint Him. He is sovereign- knows ALL, sees ALL, and understands ALL. So when I can't even put into words the question I have, or the issue I'm facing...psshh, Jesus already knows exactly what the problem is and the solution for it. He knows my end from my beginning. There is not and cannot be any other relationship in the world as intimate and real as the we can share with God.
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)
Anyways, He showed me two concepts that completely astound me:
1. Jesus only asks us to pray for, think about, and take Step 2. Steps 3, 4,5, 78, or 983 are totally irrelevant at the moment. Some of you are probably laughing at me as you read this, but seriously, this is a big deal for me. My personality likes to have everything organized from Step 1-100. Yet the Holy Spirit only asks me about what's in front of me. Quite the load off, right?
2. Jesus intimately knows every corner of me. I don't ever need to "explain myself" or make myself "more clear" when communicating with my God. I can be 100% real with Him. I don't have to hide anything and "break things" to Him in a gentler way. I can't disappoint Him. He is sovereign- knows ALL, sees ALL, and understands ALL. So when I can't even put into words the question I have, or the issue I'm facing...psshh, Jesus already knows exactly what the problem is and the solution for it. He knows my end from my beginning. There is not and cannot be any other relationship in the world as intimate and real as the we can share with God.
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Scene One, Take Two
One of the many "reasons" I love 2nd grade. |
Well this is the beginning of my second year in Taiwan. It’s
an amazing feeling to be in Kinmen again with the ministry team here. Feels
like I’m home. And I love it.
This year, the King Car Kinmen team consists of four lovely
girls and myself. Each one of them loves the Lord with all their heart and desires
to serve the people here in Kinmen.
It’s seriously the BIGGEST blessing to work alongside each one of them and
watch the work of the Holy Spirit. The variation of gifts, talents, and individual
visions makes serving together all the more awesome. God has blessed me yet
again with an excellent team.
"Every Move I Make" at village outreach. |
In addition to teaching English, this year I’m planning on teaching ballet! Lord willing, I will be holding class every Saturday for an
hour in the morning. Right now there’s a good mix of university students, high
school students, teachers, and fellow missionaries planning on taking the
class. The main reason I want to start this class is so we can have a “girls-only”
time of fun and discipleship. I’m not quite sure how to keep the name of Jesus
at the center in the class itself, but my plans for now are to open and close the
class with prayer, and hold a short Bible study at the end for those interested.
This is a really big opportunity to reach girls’ hearts for Christ. Keep this
ministry in your prayers.
So that’s the update on what’s been goin’ down here in
Some things you can be praying for:
- My team: Bethany, Eunice, Cami, Caris, and myself. We live in the middle of a deeply traditional Buddhist community and the Enemy doesn’t want us here. As we’ve learned several times, he will do anything to keep us out of the battle and caught up in the confusion of our hearts, slowed down by sickness, or frustrated with the seeming slow progress to reach our neighbors for Christ.
- My students. Dude, I see these kids sometimes more than their parents even see them. I’d say there’s opportunity here. Pray that I reach them ultimately for Christ.
- The ballet class. The process to get a facility that we’d be able to use weekly has been quite the hassle. I’ve been emailing back and forth with the school that I was interested in using, but they’re changing their policies all the time so actually starting the class has been at a standstill.
- The Swing Dance Fundraiser. We’re thinking of doing another one this semester! This time, the money is to be sent to Naomi Hamilton’s ministry in the Philippines: Safe Refuge (www.saferefugeinternational.com). Yet, the same problems are meeting us as we plan. The director of the facility we’re planning on using has changed the dates of availability several times; so now we’re considering the possibility of waiting till next semester. Please be praying that the Lord’s will be done- this is an event we all want to do, but we want to be flexible in what the Lord wants us to focus on in the coming months.
- Chinese fluency. You know what’s amazing? My time in America somehow improved my Chinese and I’m having a much easier time communicating now than I was even at the end of last year. Oh, but please don’t stop praying for this! I’m still hoping to work hard and learn much more this year. I would love to have the opportunity to share Christ with someone (totally in Chinese) before I leave Taiwan.
This year, my personal prayer also is that God will shape
His character in me. Through different challenges I was met with this last
summer, I realized that humility and the fear of the Lord are sorely lacking in
my inmost heart. I so much want to learn what it means to actually WALK BY
FAITH. I want to know how the great heroes and heroines of faith were able to
patiently endure suffering for the name of Christ. I want to truly LOVE people
as Christ does.
My prayer is to look back on this year and know I will never
be the same, because God lovingly took Christina out and filled my spirit with
Himself. I don’t want to ever be the same.
1st graders! |
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Final Update of the Year
Hey all! This will be my last ministry update of the year (can you believe it!?). In the last couple months, we’ve had some pretty exciting events and visitors so I will do my best to share with you both what we’ve done and what God has taught me in and through it. I feel like every month I go to the “next level” both with trusting the Lord and seeing Him work; so, again, it’s always pretty cool for me to look at what God has done in such a short amount of time.
of all, back around Mother’s Day, my teammate Eunice had her best friend Lydia
come for a couple weeks to visit. Lydia “works” as a singing evangelist who
travels around the world sharing the love of Jesus with her heavenly voice
(seriously, she has the best voice I’ve heard in a long time. It’s angelic.).
Just before coming to visit us here in Kinmen, Taiwan, she had spent a few
weeks in India ministering to some churches there. She was a breath of fresh
air to both our team and the community we work in. She’s so passionate. So
lovely. So much fun.
A dear Christian man we met at the Xiao Jingmen concert. |
her singing in the Mother’s Day service and church talent show, Lydia held a
concert at one of Peter’s schools in Xiao Jingmen. I want to cry just thinking
about it~ she shared the Gospel and made all the kids/attendees feel so
special. The principal of this tiny elementary school, having attended at the
same school when he was a student, beamed as he shared with us that “nothing
this special has ever happened [there].” Every single student and teacher was
so excited to have such an “amazing event” on their little island (Jingmen
consists of two islands: Da (Big) Jingmen, which is where I live and teach; and
Xiao (Small) Jingmen, which is where only Peter teaches). Those kids LOVED
having that many foreigners give them love and attention. Thank you Lydia
Me and the band |
the same time that Lydia headed back out to the States, Rebekah G’s brother, his
girlfriend, and his two college roommates came to visit us. Three of them have
a praise band called “Before the Story,” and came to share their music with the
community. They also came alongside us TESOL teachers- teaching a few classes
with us and motivating everyone to finish up these last few weeks strong.
Jingchung concert |
Before the Story and our team put on
a concert at the center of Jingchung city. We were able to reach the local
community with the love of Jesus and message of the Gospel. Dude that was so
much fun. I took a step back in the midst of all the activity, and thought
about how blessed I am to live and work with these people. God has truly been
way too good to me. I almost tear up just typing this...these people are all
awesome. Truly family. (Haha this is a slightly emotional entry...)
Nightwalk attendees |
Also with the “Before the Story” band, my team got to be a part of the Bring Me Hope “Nightwalk.” Bring Me Hope (www.bringmehope.org) is a China-based organization that works to brighten the lives of orphans in China who would otherwise never know what ice-cream tastes like or what it feels like to play in a blowup kiddie pool. They do summer camps free for kids to have fun and enjoy “family life” for a short time. The “Nightwalk” (actually during the morning because of the time difference from America) raised funds so that more children will be able to attend this summer. We walked a 5k (haha extremely difficult right!?) on a trail that allowed us to see Xiamen, China for a portion of it. The walk ended at a Jingchung monument where “Before the Story” finished up the event with an outdoor concert. I’m not sure exactly how much money we raised, but we 26 people showed up to the event, and everyone had a great time. That was another one of those moments when I was like “No way! I live here...with these people!? God you’re too good to me.” Sighhhh I love my life. ;)
My goofy teammates after a karate demonstration. (From left: Johnny, Peter, and Bethany H.) |
next weekend, Bhall and I went to Guangfu (Hualian county; East coast of
mainland Taiwan) to help out with village ministry. We have friends in the area
that minister to the aboriginal people living in the surrounding mountain
villages by driving out almost every week and spending time with the kids. I
was able to help out with The Shoebox Project:
an event they’ve held in Guangfu for several months now. In the times before, children
are given shoes and toys, taught praise songs, and taught the Gospel message. But
because the time I went was the last time of the year, the children were given
wordless bracelets and taught how to share the Gospel with their friends and
family. I had so much fun~ we spent a lot of time just hanging out with the
kids and playing with them; having great conversations with the kids as they
were outgoing and starving for love.
the village ministries, we hung out for a little while at “Faith, Hope, Love”- a home for boys in Hualian who are either
delinquents themselves or have delinquent parents. That visit was the most fun
I had in a long time. The boys are all really talented musically so I sat down
and jammed out with guitars and piano for a good while. My heart went out to one
of the 17 year olds, Justin (I gave him that English name), and his 14 year old
buddy, Jack. They hung around me basically the entire time and teased me to no
end. I felt like I was home again with my crazy little brothers goofing off,
and they were happy to get some “big sister” time. Next year, Lord willing, I
want to spend a lot of more time at Faith,
Hope, Love and get to know more of the boys at the home. Be praying about
that if you could: I would love to spend more time helping out with this Hualian
ministry, but travelling’s a bit expensive, so it’s a trust lesson
other slightly-big-extremely-fun project I got to work on this last month was
the Kinmen wedding reception for a missionary couple living here: Jarita &
Samuel. Last January, they had an official ceremony with their family in Wisconsin,
but they wanted to celebrate their marriage with their Taiwanese friends; as
they met here in Taiwan so most of their mutual friends are on this side of the
world. Anyways, they asked me and Johnny to put together a tiny dessert reception
for after the ceremony. It was so much fun to pick out colors and draw up
designs for the tables, pick out the background music playlist, and set up....(haha
it made me look forward to the day when I get to do it for me. ;)
![]() |
Goodbye dinner for our dear teacher friend, Sue. This is a 2-picture collage that ended up looking like an optical illusion. |
was the briefest skim of these last few months I could muster. Needless to say,
the Lord’s been doing some really cool things both in my life and in the lives
of all those I’m ministering to and with. I’m excited to see Him open doors and
direct my heart and life. Lately, I’ve been learning sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s
prompting and not suppressing His gentle knocking. It’s been a fresh, new challenge
as of recently as I’ve had some new challenges in my personal life. But I’m leaning
on His promise to never leave or forsake me and direct my every step. Jesus is
so faithful.
I was
telling a dear friend a few days ago that I feel a lot more “stable” at the end
of this year than I did at the beginning. Slowly but surely, heart is learning
to rely on, lean on, and depend upon CHRIST ALONE. It’s an exciting thing to
see God actually changing my heart and I have a long way to go, but I can see
the Holy Spirit chipping away my old self and replace ME with HIM. It’s a
really beautiful thing. Sometimes it hurts, but it’s always worth it.
wait to come home. I’m so looking forward to seeing you all. <3
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The April of Truth
“But above all these
things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:14)
This last month has seemed like a blur. In many ways, I’ve
felt like we’ve ministered, learned, and grown inside a tunnel. Have you ever
had a month like this? Where everything’s still going great- things just seem a
bit “blurry.” Haha, I don’t know how else to describe it, it’s an interesting
feeling. I’m feeling like things are winding down for us here in Kinmen as far
as the school year goes, but yet we still have two months. A man who’s lived
here for several years calls this point “the moment of truth.” It’s not the end
quite yet, but we’re close and you can virtually “feel the anticipation in the
air.” Planning has begun for next year, but yet current projects are still in
the works. It’s a interestingly fun place to be in. J
First of all, my first Easter in Kinmen was definitely unforgettable.
One of my best friends from the university, Helen, got baptized!! Here in
Kinmen (and Taiwan in general), a baptism means a lot more, and has a lot more
challenges, than one back in the States. When she decided to be baptized, she dramatically
demonstrated to the entire community and her family back in Taiwan that her
back is now completely turned on the Daoism and Buddhism in which she was
raised. It’s a huge deal. Helen’s currently a freshman and has been the only
believer in Christ out of her family since when she first believed in high school.
I admire this dear friend so much. Megan and I danced directly after her baptism
ceremony this Casting Crowns song “Blessed Redeemer” which brought tears from
many members in the audience and blessed me beyond anything to dance:
{I can’t believe God is allowing me to minister with my
dream in His form and His timing! He’s too good to me!}
The following week, on the 14th, our final Swing
Dance went off the ground. As is the case with each of the subsequent
fundraisers, it was great in its own special way. We were missing the majority
of our team that weekend because of different obligations, trips, and the
college students’ midterm exams. I was laughing throughout the entire set-up
because, thus far, I haven’t ever been a part of every aspect of the execution of
“the set-up plan.” So I learned how to actually do a lot of the things that I’ve
been delegating away this whole time. This time around, our “crowd” consisted
of mainly junior-highers, so you can imagine how much fun it was to try to get
them to dance… lol it was nearly impossible. Nonetheless, they listened pretty
well when we showed the info video and Johnny spoke. I was blessed in a
different way this time to know that this message was getting across to the younger
people in our community. Praise God.
In the following week, the amazing Rebekah Gilley returned
to her “home-island” and I got the privilege of taking her around to her old
schools- now the ones I teach at. It was a huge blessing to see all my teachers
and students go crazy when they saw her (she taught in Kinmen for 7 years, so
she’s been extremely loved and missed this last year by everyone). I have to
say the biggest blessing, though, was the Tuesday when she had a deep
conversation with Albert- one of the school soldiers at my Duo Nian school, and
a good friend of mine. Through the Holy Spirit’s leading, and her ability to
communicate in Chinese, he felt like he could be open and transparent with her
and shared with her how he needed TRUTH in his life. A little later, I was able
to talk to him as well, and oh! That conversation was such a blessing because
he had been thinking about what he and Rebekah had been talking about before
and was ready and anxious to hear the truth of the Gospel. He shared how, when
he fulfilled his desires and did what he wanted, he just felt evil and even emptier
inside. It makes me want to cry even typing this now. You know that story in
Acts 16:25-33- where the jailer asks Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be
saved?” That’s exactly how the situation felt. It was amazing to hear him
desire the truth of Christ, at the cost of his comfort or family’s wishes. God
is so cool. Please be praying for him, as he has yet to hear and understand the
full plan of salvation (because of the language barrier/I haven’t seen him since),
yet desires to know and follow “what it is that I believe in that makes me so happy.”
Pingtung Mountains |
{If we’re Facebook friends, you should be able to click
through this link and enjoy our quirky sense of humor:} http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=340677369329855&set=t.1332086881&type=3&theater
And, lastly, what the Lord’s been showing me as of recently…
Well, it’s really amazing to me how depraved and selfish I
am without Christ. I’ve watched at certain points this month as my attitudes
and actions completely surrounded me, my plans, and my desires. It’s funny isn’t
it? As I get closer to Jesus and the light of Truth, I notice how many more “spots”
I have on my spirit, instead of realizing how much “holier” I am. Or even worse
than that, as I draw closer to Him, to watch as I make mistakes and trip up even when I feel so close to Christ. Things
I thought I was “way above” and “stronger than” seem now to be some of the
strongest pulls on my life. The Enemy has no new tricks; and despite that fact,
he still manages to win in the battle of my heart every now and again. On the
Kaohsiung retreat, the Lord showed me these verses to put to rest any doubts
that I had that the choices I had were coming from me and not Him.
Temple parade- droves of people with incense sticks... :( |
Do not be deceived my
beloved brethren.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and
comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow
of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we
might be a kind of first-fruits of His creatures. (James 1:12-18)
On top of that, the Lord has asked me two very heavy
questions as of recently- questions that I thought were already settled in my
mind. The first was painful even to hear: “Would you be willing to never live
in your parents’ house again and not even be sure when you’re going to see them
again?” I didn’t feel like God was specifically asking that of me in my life,
He was just asking if I’d be willing.
But, oh gosh, that was such a tough decision to come to. I sat outside under
the stars and wept before the Lord for at least an hour and a half before I was
willing to say “Yes Lord, if You ask that of me, I am Thine. Your perfect will
be done.”
The second came a few days later: “Would you be willing to
be financially insecure in your life for the sake of Me and the Gospel?” Now, I
would think that this question would be super easy decision. I mean seriously,
I’ve always told my mom that I wanted to live a difficult life for Christ. I
want to feel like I’ve actually done something at the end of my life- something
hard for Christ- that I’ve run the more difficult track instead of taking the
easy way out. But, to be honest, I struggled with that question while at work
off and on for a whole day. He asked me in the morning while I was at school,
but I wasn’t able to come to a solid decision until that evening. It’s almost embarrassing
to realize how much my financial security meant to me. Anyways, so I’m at this
point of almost excited/expectant wondering at what the Lord’s going to do with
this heart freshly dedicated to Him and His purposes for my life. God is
awesome. J
“My brethren, count it
all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your
faith produces patience. But let
patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:2-4)
Cinco de Mayo Party |
“Father, glorify Your name.” –Jesus (John
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
My God is Calm in the Storm
“Through the Lord’s
mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new
every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my
soul, ‘Therefore I hope in Him!’ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to
the soul that seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for
the salvation of the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:22-26)
I praise God for His unfailing mercy and love towards me these
last few weeks. This month, I got an especially good look at myself when I
stand outside the shadow of the Cross; and I, once again, see how much of a
hopeless case I am without Him. It’s seriously probably the most shameful and
embarrassing thing ever. Our God amazes me!
My beloved Eunice. One of the best big sisters in the Lord I've ever known. |
In the midst of March’s fresh set of miracles and
overwhelming dosage of laughter, the Enemy came in for an attack on Christina’s
spirit this month. He came in where I am most vulnerable: the mind. Through
little whispered lies and slow-forming thought patterns he brought me to a
point of complete self-reliance and comfort in my iniquity. Mind you, from the
outside, my life was “on target”- the Enemy made sure of that. I don’t believe
I would have battled so far down on his level if there was any blatant sin that
stood between me and God. No, rather he decided to push me to the point of
Doubt that my God was able and willing to do what He said He
would do.
Yet the battle was finished before it started. You see, even
though I was punched around a few times, allowing Satan to get a few good
“hits” on me because of my lack of diligence to seek God’s face; I had a
Greater Power on my side. The sacrifice Jesus Christ made for me, the blood
that He shed, became the only thing I could run to and rest in. Even though I
initially chose my way and my will, anytime I surrendered back into
the loving arms of Jesus, I knew I was SAFE.
Julie Andrews’ line in Sound
of Music: “Tomorrow’s a fresh day with no mistakes in it” became my
catchphrase for the month. I love that so much. Think about it: God hands us a
completely brand-new day tomorrow and allows us to do whatever we want in it.
How crazy. How merciful. What love!
And to think He chooses to walk with us step-by-step, giving
us constant opportunity to know and love Him more. We walk together as dear
friends- the creature and the Creator- a relationship only possible by the
victory of Jesus’ death at Calvary. As I type this, I’m shaking my head at
disbelief that He would choose me. He did it on purpose you know. He picked me out; He picked you out. Dude, let’s live our lives in light of that!
“Who shall bring a
charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It
is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right
hand of God, who also makes intercession for us…that the purpose of God
according to the election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls. So
then, it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows
mercy.” (Romans 8:33-34; 9:11; 16)
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! (See
Galatians 5:1) The struggles and confusion I battled with this month drew me
closer and closer to the Cross, and an acute realization that I need it so
desperately. Once that freedom was “realized” and decided upon in my heart, I
couldn’t stay in the mud of myself any longer…I needed to move on the FREEDOM
Christ granted His beloved. Therefore, even though I made war this month in my heart and mind, I experienced great
freedom and joy on the “other side.” And by God’s grace, I will choose to
commit to walk in that freedom.
{Ahhhhhh, I love seeing in writing what God’s been showing
me. It’s seriously so much fun to write these blog entries- I almost feel like
I’m sharing God and I’s “little secrets” with you all, and I get a little bit
giddy doing it…}
There’s SO much more I want to share and write about, but I
don’t have enough time right now. So here are some random thoughts/highlights/plans/reports that I think you might want to hear:
~ I’m coming back to Taiwan next year! Through the Lord’s
leading and my parents’ counsel, I see God directing me back this way. Kinmen
is so dear to my heart and I love my team so I’m extremely excited! ~ The only thing holding me back from
unquestionably coming back here was my parent’s desire to work in ministry in
Haiti. God may be opening some doors in that respect and I would LOVE to be a
part of that. ~ I just found out that one of my really good friends from the
States, Caris, has been accepted into this TESOL program. She probably won’t be
stationed with me, but I’m so happy she’s going to be on the TESOL team. ~
Eunice, Johnny, and Bethany W. from my team have all decided to come back to
Kinmen for another year as well!! My good friend Rebekah from the Yuli team in
Taiwan has also decided to stay on and I’m totally elated about that… ~ We had
another Swing Dance Fundraiser here in Jingmen on March 24th. Our
demographic this time was mainly university students; in my mind, that made it
so much more fun and interesting. Those uni students make everything great and
I love them so much. People from other TESOL teams came out to visit us and
help out so I was totally blessed that entire weekend. ~ As of recently, Johnny
and I have been feeling like the Lord wants us to keep these fundraisers
Jesus/ministry focused. We had some opportunities this last month to plug in
with the Taiwanese government, but we’ve decided against it for now because we
want this ministry to build people up in the Kingdom of God- not just be a
charity event. ~ I found out that I may not be able to come back to the States
on furlough until mid-/late July. Sad face. Also, please be praying that my
parents/sister will have the opportunity to come out to visit me this year. I
want them to meet my current team so bad, but it’s slightly expensive. Lol.
Lord’s will be done. ~ Lastly, please pray that I will commit to discipline
myself! For goodness’ sake, it’s ridiculous the goals that I’ve put off and
rescheduled already this semester. Mainly being my desire to read through the
Gospel of John in Chinese before I go home for the summer….I need to get on it
and work harder! Haha, so yes, I could use your prayers very muchly so!
This is Rebekah and I's relationship epitomized in all its glory. ;) |
Thank you all again for your prayers and encouragement and
notes and letters and awesomeness!! My eyes are burning as I think of each one
of you saints who have been my support through prayer and words of affirmation
this last year- thank you so much! I literally owe you the world. Prayer does
so much more than you realize. <3
“Since mine eyes were fixed on Jesus,
I've lost sight of all beside—
So enchained my spirit's vision,
Looking at the Crucified.
All for Jesus!
All for Jesus!
Looking at the
All for Jesus!
All for Jesus!
Looking at the
“Oh, what wonder! how amazing!
Jesus, glorious King of kings,
Deigns to call me His beloved,
Lets me rest beneath His wings.
All for Jesus!
All for Jesus!
Resting now
beneath His wings.
All for Jesus!
All for Jesus!
Resting now beneath His wings.”
(All For Jesus; Mary Dagworthy James)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My February
Time has sped up like crazy. I feel like I'm on the downhill stretch of the year and I don't know what to do about it to keep up. Everything about life right now feels "fast" and I’m constantly reminded that every day I have here in Kinmen holds, not only purpose, but a sense of urgency. In my recent studies through 1st Corinthians and the Gospels, the Lord's been connecting some amazing concepts in my heart and mind- so many things are starting to make sense that never were completely clear. With the "connections" my heart has made, my life has obtained a sense of urgency like never before.
"But of the day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in
heaven, or the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do
not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left
his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and
commanded the doorkeeper to watch. Watch therefore, for you do not know when
the master of the house is coming- in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing
of the rooster, or in the morning- lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping
And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" (Mark 13:32-37)
Some of my good friends from the Pingtung and Chiayi teams. |
My dreams
and desires have begun to go through transformation in this last month as well.
As I wrote before, my heart ached in Thailand at the spiritual depravity and
oppression of the Enemy in the lives of the people in that country. Because of
the spiritual hold He has in the lives of the people, much more evil is
accepted and allowed than would be allowed in other parts of the world. Take
for instance, the sex trafficking issue. Thailand is the capital of the world
for sex tourism, with millions of women and children trapped in slavery- having
no way of escape and living in horrifying conditions. I’ve been seeking the
Lord as of recently about what I can do to fight this major issue. Christine
Cain’s words from the Passion 2012 conference constantly rings in my ears: “Not
on my watch!” I want to be able to look back on my life and know I did
something about this…not just sat back comfortably in my educational pursuits
and dreams of a comfortable, classic little American life. Things I’ve always
wanted and dreamed about since I was a little girl seem so frivolous in
comparison to being a part of the saving of millions of little girls in Thailand
(and all over the world), who are being raped repeatedly every day. What wouldn’t I do if these were my little
sisters!? I don’t want to excuse this issue as a statistic and continue onward
with my life. Jesus wouldn’t. I won’t.
BREATHTAKING beach in South Taiwan. |
I’ve been praying about the Lord sending me out to that part of the world
sometime in the future. I’m not sure how or when or by what means, but I’m confident,
the Lord will guide me step-by-step and I’m confident that He will show me His
plans in His perfect timing. It’s a scary thought, but I want to GO while I can
because I’m free to really do anything at this point in my life. It’s just me
and Jesus…please be praying that my next step is clear and my mind doesn’t get
clouded with my own desires…as the Enemy hates who I am and what I stand for
daily. I’m not sure what my future holds, but I’m so thankful that the Holy
Spirit is always there to direct me step-by-step. My heart has always been for
PEOPLE and their relationships with the Lord, so I’m confident wherever the
Lord sends me I will enjoy and “flourish in.”
Making our outdoor banner for the fundraiser. |
So what have
I been doing as of recently in light of all this? Well, my team pulled off a
Swing Dance Fundraiser in the community…raising money for Destiny Rescue (the
organization we met missionaries from in Thailand), and, more importantly,
making people aware of this global crisis. About 60 people showed up to this
event that my team pulled off in a six-day time span. Personally, I was
completely blown away as I watch an insane amount of miracles unfold throughout
the week to allow it to unfold so smoothly. It made me so thankful to be on
this island “for such a time as this.” God literally is so cool. So so cool.
As we
continue to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading, my team is planning two more
fundraisers in Jingchung, Jingmen, and another in Hualian, Taiwan for the
months of March and April. Lord willing, these opportunities will open up and we
will be able to reach the people of Taiwan with the message of this cause.
Please be praying that the Lord’s will is done and that all of this will be
focused on the glory of His name alone. We’re praying for direction in this
area as the Lord may be “expanding our borders” to reach more people with the
message of this cause, and inevitably, the Gospel.
“And the
apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith.’ So the Lord said, ‘If you have
faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, “Be pulled up by
the roots and be planted in the sea,” and it would obey you. And which of you,
having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in
from the field, “Come at once and sit down to eat”? But will he not rather say
to him, “Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I
have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink”? Does he thank that
servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not. So
likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say,
“We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.”’” (Luke
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Chinese New Year 2012
Well, this last month
and a half has probably been one of the busiest time in my service here in
Southeast Asia. God is so good and has constantly brought me back to Him and who He is in my life. More than ever before, I have been constantly
reminded how much I need Him and how
I can do absolutely nothing without His Sovereign power and direction every
moment of every day.
I can’t stress enough
that your prayers WORK…my parents are always sharing with me how so many people
share with them how they are praying for me and the ministry. I am 100% positive
that without your prayers, much (if not all) of the chances I’ve had to share
Jesus and His love with the people around me wouldn’t have been possible. Thank
you all so very much.
Anyways, I’m going to try to recap my travels and adventures from my first Chinese New Year vacation. Hopefully this will be a blessing and encouragement for you to read what God’s been doing in my life and in the ministry on this side of the world. I divided this (extremely lengthy and long overdue) blog post trip-by-trip so it’s easier to read by section if you’d like. Enjoy!
Starting with my trip over New Year’s (like the January 1st, “Western New Year’s” kind…) with Bo Cun’s 6th grade class: Each one of my six grade classes plan a class trip that they go on together as sort of a memorable marking point before all the students head out to Junior High the next year. The class I chose to go with is quite possibly one of my favorite 6th grade classes as a whole. The students are so sweet and I love my principal and co-teacher from that school. J
We spent the 4-day trip travelling (virtually) all over the West side of Taiwan; from Taichung to Nantou to Kaohsiung- and everywhere in between. I saw some breathtaking mountain peaks, and of course the pretty spectacular Sun Moon Lake. For New Year’s Eve, I left my class for the evening and spent some time with dear friends from another IBLP TESOL team in Nantou and then took the HSR (High Speed Rail) back the next morning to catch up with my class.
This trip, though tons of fun and full of adventure, was pretty hard for me though. It was the first time I was away from my Kinmen team and with Chinese-only speakers since I’ve been here in Taiwan. On top of feeling “homesick,” some of the parents from my class had a hard time with the idea of me not speaking Chinese conversationally yet. The first night, I just sat in my hotel room and cried before the Lord in utter frustration. I felt very alone and rejected and just wanted to go home.
Before I left for this weekend trip, my dad had told me to keep John 14-16 in mind- reminding me that I could not do ANYTHING on my own and I needed (need) the Lord to guide my every step. So, after talking to the Lord for a while and re-composing myself, I pulled out my Bible and read that passage over and over again. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that night. I re-realized all I am required as a daughter of the King is remain in His love. There is no other requirement for my personal walk with Jesus. As I keep my eyes focused on Him and diligently seek for His hand in my life, He will provide my every need and orchestrate my every step. He could even teach me Chinese if He wanted to. From that moment on, I committed my language proficiency to the Lord- I am going to work as hard as I can, and leave the results up to Him and His will and plan. In this area, and in all others: I only need to ask…ask like a child. Trust like a child. Enjoy life as a child. Isn’t our God so cool?
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you…As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in My love…You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (John 15:7, 9, 16)
The next couple weeks
after that weekend with my class, my team and I prepared for our King Car Visa
renewal trip to Thailand. Lesson planning and packing pretty much consumed our
time, especially the last couple days leading up to our departure. (This trip
was completely paid for by the King Car Foundation we work for in Taiwan, which
was such a huge blessing.) The group consisted of the teams from Kinmen, Yuli,
Pingdong, and then a few members joined us from Nantou [All in all, SUCH a
great group of people]. Tuesday-Saturday we taught English classes for the 1st-12th
grades in Da Tong, Thailand. In our touring time, we got to see the Golden
Triangle, White Temple, explore a pretty big day market in Chiang Rai, spend about
an hour on the other side of the border in Myanmar, spend time at a convent
school for Thai girls, play with a monkey, launch lanterns for Chinese New
Year, and so much more memorable moments that I couldn’t even start to type out.
(Just look through my bazillion Facebook pictures if you get the chance…ok?)
This trip was a super great opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone and share the Gospel. On the flight from Bangkok to Chiang Rai, I was able to talk about the Lord with the man I was sitting next to. We talked almost the whole flight. The man was a Buddhist, and believed very strongly in Buddhism’s “Middle Path,” yet was very interested in both sharing his beliefs and listening to mine. It was such a Divine appointment. Be praying for Mr. Vincent.
Also, because Chinese wasn’t the first language of the kids I worked with, my pride got to have a break from the beat-down it normally has and I was able to actually communicate outside of class for a change. ;) The kids were amazing- all the way up to my 9th grade class. For the most part, I felt so welcomed and loved by each one of them and just plain had fun spending time with them.

Yet, spiritually, the warfare started off with a bang that week at the “Welcome Party” for us foreign teachers. Some of the girls from 4th-9th grade put together a performance with several dances…let’s just say the dancing was shocking and painful to watch. It hurt me so much to see such little girls dancing so sensually- I know I can speak for our entire TESOL team by saying our spirits were grieved and put on guard by such a performance. The Kinmen team met as a group the next night and brought the little girls, their families, and futures before the Lord.
Then, personally, I went on hyper-drive mode as far as seeking the Lord’s will for next year’s plans….I loved Thailand from the first moment we landed, being struck by the need of the people in the area in which we worked. Mid-week, we ran into some missionaries that literally worked in the middle of the fight against Thailand’s sex trafficking industry; I can’t tell you how much I wanted to go with them. In hearing the missionaries’ stories about the girls, and the different rescues they were currently running, my heart ached and I quietly pleaded with God to someday allow me to join in this battle.
So, needless to say, midweek in Da Tong, I was praying very hard for the Lord to give me direction and a heart for where He wanted me. I want to spend my life in ministry where there is NEED- a need for real rescue and salvation- a place screaming for light. I prayed and spent time in the Word for hours on end, seeking God for direction and praying that He would show Himself real in my life. It was only when my heart got to the point of being totally willing to go where and when the Lord sent me, that I began having peace again. Ministry ideas for this semester in Kinmen to help fight the more local sex trafficking industry started coming to mind and I set a few personal goals for the semester. It was so freeing to have the Lord show me how I was inside His will and then give me ways I can be “useful in the Master’s hand” this semester.
Some of my personal goals for Spring 2012 in Kinmen:
{My team and I are in prayer about a few fundraisers and awareness projects to support ministries on the front lines of the fight against sex trafficking. We’re hoping to involve the entire island of Kinmen with each of these events. Please be praying that God’s will be done with every project. Our goal is to bring ultimate glory to the name of Jesus by protecting those who cannot protect themselves. I will keep you updated with how God guides.}
Finally, to finish up our New Year vacation, we worked this last week in a Taipei Winter camp with King Car. Our “camp team” consisted of our Kinmen group, plus Caitlin (from the Yuli team), and Kelsey (BWills’ younger sister). We had 60+ kids come from mainly the Taipei area for a 5-day camp that had us up at 7:30am and down usually around midnight. It was exhausting but SO well worth it.
I worked with a middle level group- Team D: The Daring Dragons. Ironically, even though we had the manliest name and team chant, I was placed with several of the girliest girls in the entire camp. It was a blast, lol. Kelsey and I worked as co-teachers with our TA, Jenny, helping us all along. Our topic for the week was current world issues and what we can do as individuals to help. We danced the “Waka Waka” and Justin Beiber’s “Baby Baby” song almost daily for fun and did tons of skits, games, stories, and songs with the kids…basically just loving on them. Kelsey got to share the Gospel with the students as we studied Europe and the song “Amazing Grace” one morning. She was able to explain the concept of sin, grace, and the mercy of God. (Kelsey shared that during English class, get that: in class. It’s pretty wild the freedom we have in Taiwan as foreign teachers to share the Gospel with kids in our English classes.)

Midweek, (again, lol) the Lord knocked on my heart and set me in a tailspin because I was (still) so comfortable doing things my way. There was (is) a need for someone to go to help out another one of the TESOL teams for this next semester and the Kinmen girls were asked if anyone would be willing to go. When I first got the email, I laughed and thought how ridiculous it would be if God sent me somewhere else for the semester. Almost as soon as I mentally made my decision to say “no,” the Lord asked me why.
Why was I so unwilling to think that He could possibly take me out of my comfort zone yet again and bring me somewhere else? So for the second time this month, I prayed and sought counsel and sought the Lord about if He wanted me to move from Kinmen. And similar to my “prayer battle” in Thailand, as soon as I was willing to be obedient and pay attention to the Lord’s gentle leading, my peace returned and He reminded me of His heart for my life. A life that is continually plugged into Him, a life that only wants His will, and a life that will jump when He says “go.” Lord willing, I’m going to be staying in Kinmen this next semester and am going to try to actually wait and listen for His guidance.
“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15)
If it’s ok with you, I would like to end this update with a quick personal prayer- thanking Jesus for Who He is and what He’s doing:
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for my brothers and sisters in Christ all over this world. It just amazes me to see Your hand everywhere I go and I just want to tell you thank you. Thank you for the people I work with and for. Thank you for the children that I get to pour into daily. Thank you for the work You’re doing in my heart to make me the woman you want me to be. I pray that each one of us will never lose sight of YOU and Your marvelous mercy and love. You are so holy Jesus and I thank you that You are not finished with me yet and have great things in store for this next year. This time in Taiwan is dedicated to You. Greater things are still to come. I thank You and praise You. In Your holy name, Amen.
Anyways, I’m going to try to recap my travels and adventures from my first Chinese New Year vacation. Hopefully this will be a blessing and encouragement for you to read what God’s been doing in my life and in the ministry on this side of the world. I divided this (extremely lengthy and long overdue) blog post trip-by-trip so it’s easier to read by section if you’d like. Enjoy!
Some of the cutest boys alive |
Starting with my trip over New Year’s (like the January 1st, “Western New Year’s” kind…) with Bo Cun’s 6th grade class: Each one of my six grade classes plan a class trip that they go on together as sort of a memorable marking point before all the students head out to Junior High the next year. The class I chose to go with is quite possibly one of my favorite 6th grade classes as a whole. The students are so sweet and I love my principal and co-teacher from that school. J
We spent the 4-day trip travelling (virtually) all over the West side of Taiwan; from Taichung to Nantou to Kaohsiung- and everywhere in between. I saw some breathtaking mountain peaks, and of course the pretty spectacular Sun Moon Lake. For New Year’s Eve, I left my class for the evening and spent some time with dear friends from another IBLP TESOL team in Nantou and then took the HSR (High Speed Rail) back the next morning to catch up with my class.
This trip, though tons of fun and full of adventure, was pretty hard for me though. It was the first time I was away from my Kinmen team and with Chinese-only speakers since I’ve been here in Taiwan. On top of feeling “homesick,” some of the parents from my class had a hard time with the idea of me not speaking Chinese conversationally yet. The first night, I just sat in my hotel room and cried before the Lord in utter frustration. I felt very alone and rejected and just wanted to go home.
Before I left for this weekend trip, my dad had told me to keep John 14-16 in mind- reminding me that I could not do ANYTHING on my own and I needed (need) the Lord to guide my every step. So, after talking to the Lord for a while and re-composing myself, I pulled out my Bible and read that passage over and over again. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that night. I re-realized all I am required as a daughter of the King is remain in His love. There is no other requirement for my personal walk with Jesus. As I keep my eyes focused on Him and diligently seek for His hand in my life, He will provide my every need and orchestrate my every step. He could even teach me Chinese if He wanted to. From that moment on, I committed my language proficiency to the Lord- I am going to work as hard as I can, and leave the results up to Him and His will and plan. In this area, and in all others: I only need to ask…ask like a child. Trust like a child. Enjoy life as a child. Isn’t our God so cool?
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you…As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in My love…You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (John 15:7, 9, 16)
Sunrise over the mountains |
This trip was a super great opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone and share the Gospel. On the flight from Bangkok to Chiang Rai, I was able to talk about the Lord with the man I was sitting next to. We talked almost the whole flight. The man was a Buddhist, and believed very strongly in Buddhism’s “Middle Path,” yet was very interested in both sharing his beliefs and listening to mine. It was such a Divine appointment. Be praying for Mr. Vincent.
Also, because Chinese wasn’t the first language of the kids I worked with, my pride got to have a break from the beat-down it normally has and I was able to actually communicate outside of class for a change. ;) The kids were amazing- all the way up to my 9th grade class. For the most part, I felt so welcomed and loved by each one of them and just plain had fun spending time with them.
Yet, spiritually, the warfare started off with a bang that week at the “Welcome Party” for us foreign teachers. Some of the girls from 4th-9th grade put together a performance with several dances…let’s just say the dancing was shocking and painful to watch. It hurt me so much to see such little girls dancing so sensually- I know I can speak for our entire TESOL team by saying our spirits were grieved and put on guard by such a performance. The Kinmen team met as a group the next night and brought the little girls, their families, and futures before the Lord.
Then, personally, I went on hyper-drive mode as far as seeking the Lord’s will for next year’s plans….I loved Thailand from the first moment we landed, being struck by the need of the people in the area in which we worked. Mid-week, we ran into some missionaries that literally worked in the middle of the fight against Thailand’s sex trafficking industry; I can’t tell you how much I wanted to go with them. In hearing the missionaries’ stories about the girls, and the different rescues they were currently running, my heart ached and I quietly pleaded with God to someday allow me to join in this battle.
So, needless to say, midweek in Da Tong, I was praying very hard for the Lord to give me direction and a heart for where He wanted me. I want to spend my life in ministry where there is NEED- a need for real rescue and salvation- a place screaming for light. I prayed and spent time in the Word for hours on end, seeking God for direction and praying that He would show Himself real in my life. It was only when my heart got to the point of being totally willing to go where and when the Lord sent me, that I began having peace again. Ministry ideas for this semester in Kinmen to help fight the more local sex trafficking industry started coming to mind and I set a few personal goals for the semester. It was so freeing to have the Lord show me how I was inside His will and then give me ways I can be “useful in the Master’s hand” this semester.
Some of my personal goals for Spring 2012 in Kinmen:
Read through the
Gospel of John in Chinese
Read “Case for Christ”
(Lee Strobel)
Set aside a minimum of
10 minutes a day to study Chinese
Make intimate time
with Jesus priority- both in prayer and study
Stay on top of
monthly blog updates
{My team and I are in prayer about a few fundraisers and awareness projects to support ministries on the front lines of the fight against sex trafficking. We’re hoping to involve the entire island of Kinmen with each of these events. Please be praying that God’s will be done with every project. Our goal is to bring ultimate glory to the name of Jesus by protecting those who cannot protect themselves. I will keep you updated with how God guides.}
Finally, to finish up our New Year vacation, we worked this last week in a Taipei Winter camp with King Car. Our “camp team” consisted of our Kinmen group, plus Caitlin (from the Yuli team), and Kelsey (BWills’ younger sister). We had 60+ kids come from mainly the Taipei area for a 5-day camp that had us up at 7:30am and down usually around midnight. It was exhausting but SO well worth it.
I worked with a middle level group- Team D: The Daring Dragons. Ironically, even though we had the manliest name and team chant, I was placed with several of the girliest girls in the entire camp. It was a blast, lol. Kelsey and I worked as co-teachers with our TA, Jenny, helping us all along. Our topic for the week was current world issues and what we can do as individuals to help. We danced the “Waka Waka” and Justin Beiber’s “Baby Baby” song almost daily for fun and did tons of skits, games, stories, and songs with the kids…basically just loving on them. Kelsey got to share the Gospel with the students as we studied Europe and the song “Amazing Grace” one morning. She was able to explain the concept of sin, grace, and the mercy of God. (Kelsey shared that during English class, get that: in class. It’s pretty wild the freedom we have in Taiwan as foreign teachers to share the Gospel with kids in our English classes.)
Midweek, (again, lol) the Lord knocked on my heart and set me in a tailspin because I was (still) so comfortable doing things my way. There was (is) a need for someone to go to help out another one of the TESOL teams for this next semester and the Kinmen girls were asked if anyone would be willing to go. When I first got the email, I laughed and thought how ridiculous it would be if God sent me somewhere else for the semester. Almost as soon as I mentally made my decision to say “no,” the Lord asked me why.
Why was I so unwilling to think that He could possibly take me out of my comfort zone yet again and bring me somewhere else? So for the second time this month, I prayed and sought counsel and sought the Lord about if He wanted me to move from Kinmen. And similar to my “prayer battle” in Thailand, as soon as I was willing to be obedient and pay attention to the Lord’s gentle leading, my peace returned and He reminded me of His heart for my life. A life that is continually plugged into Him, a life that only wants His will, and a life that will jump when He says “go.” Lord willing, I’m going to be staying in Kinmen this next semester and am going to try to actually wait and listen for His guidance.
“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15)
If it’s ok with you, I would like to end this update with a quick personal prayer- thanking Jesus for Who He is and what He’s doing:
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for my brothers and sisters in Christ all over this world. It just amazes me to see Your hand everywhere I go and I just want to tell you thank you. Thank you for the people I work with and for. Thank you for the children that I get to pour into daily. Thank you for the work You’re doing in my heart to make me the woman you want me to be. I pray that each one of us will never lose sight of YOU and Your marvelous mercy and love. You are so holy Jesus and I thank you that You are not finished with me yet and have great things in store for this next year. This time in Taiwan is dedicated to You. Greater things are still to come. I thank You and praise You. In Your holy name, Amen.
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